Privacy Policy

Darpita Trading Private Limited takes your privacy very seriously

In general, you can visit Darpita Trading Private Limited's websites without telling us who you are and without revealing any information about yourself. There are times, however, when we may need information from you. Darpita Trading Private Limited does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with non affiliated companies except to provide products or services you've requested, under the following circumstances:

• We provide the information to trusted partners who work on behalf of or w it h Darpita Trading Private Limited under extremely strict confidential it y agreements. These companies may use your personal information to help Darpita Trading Private Limited communicate with you about offers from Darpita Trading Private Limited and our marketing partners. However, these companies do not have any independent right to share this information.
• We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims;
• We believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, or as otherwise required by law.
• We transfer information about you if Darpita Trading Private Limited is acquired by or merged with another company. You may choose to give us personal information, such as your name and address or e-mail id that may be needed, for example, to correspond with you, to download our white papers or to provide you with a subscription. We intend to protect the quality and integrity of your personally identifiable information. We will make a sincere effort to respond in a timely manner to your requests to correct inaccuracies in your personal information. To correct inaccuracies in your personal information please return the message containing the inaccuracies to the sender with details of the correction requested.

Cookies, and other technologies

We sometimes collect anonymous information from visits to our sites to help us provide better customer service. For example, we keep track of the domains from which people visit and we also measure visit or activity on Darpita Trading Private Limited web sites, but we do so in ways that keep the information anonymous. Darpita Trading Private Limited or it s affiliates or vendors may use this data to analyze trends and statistics and to help us provide better customer service. We maintain the highest levels of confidentiality for this information, our affiliates and vendors follow the same high levels of confidentiality. This anonymous information is used and analyzed only at an aggregate level to help us understand trends and patterns. None of this information is reviewed at an individual level. If you do not want your transaction details used in this manner, you can either disable your cookies or opt-out at the download or request page.


Darpita Trading Private Limited may, send direct mailers to you at the address given by you. We respect your privacy and in the event that you choose to not receive such mailers, we will take interactive steps to remove you from the list. Darpita Trading Private Limited recognizes the receipt, transmission or distribution of spam emails (unsolic itated bulk emails) as a major concern and has taken reasonable measures, to minimize the transmission and effect of spam emails in it s computing environment.

Refund / Cancellation Policy

DARPITA generally discourages refund of amounts credited to user’s wallet account. Under exceptional circumstances and purely based on DARPITA management’s discretion, a refund may be approved subject to verification of the financial transaction. Under such extreme situations, the user who had conducted a successful transaction should inform DARPITA office within 24 hours of transaction by giving reasons for seeking refund. DARPITA office shall validate the transaction and upon securing internal clearances, may process for refund, provided the full amount remains unutilized in the wallet. In the event of refund full value of the transaction less charges as may be applicable, shall be refunded to the user through the same mode through which the transaction was conducted i.e either through Internet Banking, Debit/Credit Card, wallet etc. Under no circumstances can a refund happen for transactions involving cash deposited at company branches or directly into the company’s bank account. Any refund request received beyond 24hours from the time of conducting the said transaction shall not entertained by the Company. Weekends and public holidays are excluded while computing the 24hours.
The user understands that Chargebacks/claw backs invoked by the payment gateway shall be debited by DARPITA to the wallet where the transaction was originally credited. In the event the wallet balance is not adequate to cover the chargeback/ claw back, the user and or its legal entity agrees to undertake to replenish the wallet adequately. The user also understands that DARPITA has rights to appropriate any credit flowing into the wallet in future until the entire chargeback / claw back is fully funded to DARPITA